No More Excuses – Kickstart Your Writing Habit!

No More Excuses Kickstart writing programme

No More Excuses – Kickstart Your Writing Habit!

So you want to write a book but you haven’t written creatively since college!

You’re building a blog, a business, an online brand. You really need to re-engage with your creative side.

You know story is a key part of content marketing but have no confidence in your ability.

You need a new start, you’re stuck in a rut and your creativity is set at zero. 

You know you have a story to tell, but you have no idea where to start.

You don’t have any qualifications, surely you need a degree or something to be a writer, right?



‘I never thought I’d be a person who would want to write books…I promise you not a single English teacher I’ve ever had would have thought that this would be going on right now.’ – Gary Vaynerchuk

Just imagine…this is the new narrative…

‘I’ve just written a book’

‘My marketing content is trending, as a result I’ve hit my highest earning month yet’

‘I’m so happy, writing has really helped me find balance again’

‘I’ve finished the first draft of my novel’

‘I’m a writer, glad to meet you’

I am a firm believer that anyone can be a writer, all it takes is a writing habit. You need to write regularly, oh and read a lot too.

If you’re ready to be a writer, then let’s go!

Too busy?

Well, how much do you want this?

If you have no space for it, you may need to let something go, but you can do it if you really want it.

We make room for things we love, don’t we?

Not sure you even like writing?

Well, why not give my 4 week No More Excuses! online course a try?

You have nothing to lose, and oh so much to gain.

You can share thoughts and ideas with your other creatives in  ‘The Independent Freedom Creative’ Facebook Group.

The group’s foundations are kindness and support so it’s a safe environment to strengthen your writer’s feathers, and wings.

You’ll soon be flying!

You’ll spend a set amount of time, up to one hour, each day on each exercise.

If you wish to repeat the exercises or build upon them feel free, write write write, but at first go slowly so you don’t burn out!

Carry your notebook with you and use any spare time to work on your exercises.

Remember this is to build a habit!

Not convinced creative writing is important to you in business?

Every business owner will tell you they want creative thinkers.

No matter what the business is, it needs ideas, forward thinking, creative solutions, relevant inspiring and motivating conversations.

Creative Writing taps into your creative vein and you gain practise putting words and thoughts out into the world.

Creative Writing helps you gain confidence in expressing your views, you become more observant and perceptive, open to ideas and different ways of looking at situations.


If you’re already convinced a daily habit will work for you! WOO HOO! I’ve created the 4 week course just for you.

I know you’re busy.

I know you’re creative.

I know you can write.

You just need a hand to get going.

So why isn’t it free?

CAW asking a question

Good question – I know what it’s like, you get a freebie via email or online and it sits in your inbox, then falls into a folder then you find it years later and wonder what it’s doing there.

By you making a (small) financial commitment, it shows you’re serious about your own creative future.

By making that investment you’re much more likely to actually take part, and FINISH, the course.

I’ve created it to help you become a writer! So go DO IT. I am here to inspire people to be the writer within.

I haven’t created it so it can sit neglected in a dusty dark folder in the depths of your hard drive.

Whilst I’m on that subject, the course isn’t for you if you’re not willing to step up and DO IT.

I want it to be effective.

*** I want people on the course who care about themselves, their creativity and their future as writers. ***

The course does require a change in habit, to allow space for your writing. If you aren’t ready to make that change yet, that’s fine. I wish you well, and ask you to bookmark this page and call back when you know you’re ready.

In the meanwhile you’re welcome to join my FREE The Independent Freedom Creative Facebook Group for creatives anyway. See you in there!

I compiled this course especially for creatives, and budding creatives to enable them to take up their pen and start writing.

Writing really can change your life, so what are you waiting for?

No More Excuses

No More Excuses!


I hope I’ve inspired you to get creative, tweet me from your next coffee stop! Or why not jump over to Facebook and join my community of creatives planning their path towards their own personal freedom: