How I Rebooted My Business And Stopped Letting Fear Hold Me Back

I run a business, more than one. Change is Scary but… I can’t afford to be held back by someone or something that is supposed to be serving me and making life easier.

I realised when reassessing my year that I had been totally neglecting my email community. Those gorgeous people who trusted me with their email addresses.
Creatives who asked to be kept in the loop.
People who will support my work, buy my services or products, promote and interact with my posts on social media.
The ones who wanted to know what I’ve got to say were, ironically, the last to know instead of the first.

Something had to change. In a big way.

Analysing the ‘why’ behind my lack of contact, it was simple. So simple, in fact, I guess I knew it all along.

My email supplier was the problem.

It was obvious the changes they’d made on their platform had made me resist going there. I’d got scared. I didn’t want to log on, even to add a new connection, let alone create an email. The whole thing had become stressful, time-consuming and user ‘un’ friendly.
Easy, right?
No. It was scary as heck pressing that delete key. Mostly because brands don’t like you leaving them. They make empty, veiled, not so veiled threats about all the stuff you’ll miss. They know the value of keeping you in their community. Exactly what I’d forgotten. No, that’s not true. I hadn’t forgotten. I had just chosen to not go somewhere that was uncomfortable and required me to step out of a comfort zone I’d been holed up in for years.

Wow, such a pressure off later.
I relaxed. I had just swapped email providers after YEARS with same old brand.
It’s SUCH a relief to know I can now move forward with a brand and business tool that makes life truly so much easier!

This tiny, overwhelming, neglected glitch in my strategy for building a community is a thing of the past.

So what did I learn?

Life is full of opportunities but also bumps in the road. Things that push us off track and can hold us back for no other reason than our own procrastination.
Or fear.
I’d known in the back of my mind what the problem was, but kept brushing it aside, making excuses.
I realised this is what my future coaching clients are doing right now! They are holding back, fearful, knowing they have to step up, have to take that first step, but are too scared. They are ignoring the obvious. Brushing aside the actual issue. Staying ‘stuck’ and all the while getting more and more off track. More disheartened and frustrated at their own lack of action.

If you recognise yourself here, please take that first step.

How did I finally break the deadlock?

Lists! I love a list, don’t you? I wrote a list of what needed to change and, importantly, what good things would happen when it did.
Then another list of how I would do it.
Another list of the action steps I needed to take, so I could tick off each one as I went. Then I dropped a time in my schedule /diary and stuck to it. I took action.

Is there something you are putting off?
How long has it been on that back burner?
Let’s make 2022 the year of no longer allowing fear to hold us back.
I’ll say it again.


If you want to be on my brand spanking new email list where, yes, you will find out news and exclusives before anyone else, you can sign up HERE.

You’ll even receive my free ebook, ‘How to Live Your best Life’ so you can start that mindset shift today.

Warning, you will get emails in 2022!