Creative Writing Prompts – Never get writer’s block EVER! FREE ebook download!

Creative Writing Prompts - Never get writer's block EVER! FREE ebook download!

Creative Writing Prompts – Never get writer’s block EVER! FREE ebook download!

I’m a writer, and I want to say first of all, if you think you’re suffering from writer’s block, you’re not.

Sorry but I’m not being unsympathetic, just giving you a reminder that you’re a writer, you can write.

Creative Writing Prompts - Never get writer's block EVER! FREE ebook download!

OK, so why have I titled this post promising you a way to get past that block?

Well, let me explain.

I don’t believe in writer’s block.

If I hire a plumber, I don’t expect them to say ‘No I can’t come today because I’m blocked!’

When you’re employed to do an office or factory job, you can’t ring your boss one lunchtime and say, ‘I’m not coming in this afternoon, I’m blocked.’

But that’s different isn’t it?’ I hear you whisper, with a sigh and a creative flounce away to stare at the sky.

REMEMBER you’re a writer, you can write!

Some days will be harder than others, some days the unicorns aren’t tiptoeing through the forest, the spies aren’t being secretive, the travel globe isn’t spinning…


You’re a writer, you can write!

Getting the message yet?

I love Jeffrey Archer best selling books, you might not be aware of his writing routine. You could be imagining the millionaire writer sitting next to his private pool, or on a beach with a panama hat and a cocktail, scribbling some creative thoughts on an expensive journal before wandering into the sunset for more inspiration.

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Now, yes that’s the rewards, but first you need to put in the work.

Jeffrey Archer says he gets up early, ‘goes to work’ in his office and writes for two hours. He has breakfast then writes for two hours. Has a lunch break then writes for two hours, tea break another two hours writing. That’s eight hours of writing, it’s a JOB!

Now, I know, you may not have that time, especially if you’re hustling more than one job, but you need to have personal writing time and discipline.

If you want the rewards, whether that’s money, sales, lifestyle, just fulfilling your creative ambition and using your writing as nourishment for your soul, you need to write.

You need to create that writing habit!

(My course ‘No More Excuses’ which helps you find the time to write, and create a writing habit is here.)

No More Excuses Kickstart writing programme

Once you accept that the habit is essential, you genuinely may struggle to work on a specific piece. If your characters are not ‘talking’ to you, it can help if you shift gears and that is when my prompts can come in handy.

They’re designed just for you, to defeat those doubt demons and enable you to write through any blocks, and produce a piece of writing.

It’s amazing how once your pen (or keys) get busy, so do your creative cells and these prompts can not only inspire you to just write something, they may actually inspire you with ideas to add in to your book / WIP (Work in progress) or even a new story altogether.

These short scribblings aren’t wasted time.

You can use them as ideas, drop them in a folder (I use Scrivener) for later.

Why not share one of two on social media, they can be great conversations starters and help you build your tribe. Maybe don’t publish your next book extracts on Facebook, it could impact your IPR (Intellectual property rights.)

So, convinced? I’ve shared a few prompts here, or you can download the FREE ebook ‘Creative Writing Prompts’ with 29 ideas for you to dip into, alongside other writerly tips, for the next time you’re ’stuck.’


Remember to ban the words ‘writer’s block’ from your mind, you’re not blocked, it’s a mindset shift.

Just say to your self ‘I’m a writer’ grab a glass of water and go start writing.

Create a daily habit! Here we go…three prompts for you…


Change the year in which your action is happening

This one can be a simple shift from the present day to the 1960s. It could result in different clothes, a different attitude to sex, less technology!

How about a more drastic move from current times to historical, not with time travel although that’s happening quite a bit lately, just move your whole plot to a different century. Jane Austen anyone? No? How about Robin Hood, you get the idea.

You could shoot the other way and place your characters on another planet years into the future, it didn’t do Star Wars any harm.

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Someone gets lost

This can be really effective. It can be alien invaders landing on the wrong planet, through to a fairy prince coming across a tower in the woods with a princess locked in. OK the second one may have been done already but you get the idea.

Think about when you got lost, did you panic, embrace the experience or just cry? How did you get back on track, was it an adventure or did it scare you?

Put those emotions down on paper, they will convince the reader of the event’s significance.


Your characters have a fight

Fist fight or verbal sparring, a good argument shakes things up. Fights hurt, noses get broken, they get bloody. They hurt emotionally.

Arguments can be quiet, spoken in hushed tones. Watch the body language of a couple disagreeing in a store. How do you deal with aggression? Diffuse it or rise to it? Do you make up or bear a lifelong grudge? Think about a fight you had, with your partner or colleague.

Dig deep, recall your feelings. They can be raw, personal, difficult to write down but that is exactly why you should. It will enable your reader to empathise, to feel your character’s pain.


So, don’t forget to download ‘Creative Writing Prompts

If you’re still struggling with embedding your writing habit, go have a look at my 28 day online course ‘No More Excuses’

No More Excuses Kickstart writing programme

I’d love to hear how you write your way through your creative sticking points.

Creative Writing Prompts - Never get writer's block EVER! FREE ebook download!

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