Episode #041 A Conversation with Health and Well-being Coach Shona Hagan

Social Media Podcast Episode 41

A glowing example for us all, a midlife woman living her best life.

Shona helps midlife women to break free from eternal dieting and supercharge their energy through her health optimising programmes:


Oh, and she’s a bellydancer and yoga mentor too.

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Apologies for the US spellings by transcription service… I didn’t trust AI with both of us having strong accents

Christie Adams:

Hi, Christie here, interviewing or chatting and having a conversation with Shona Hagan of Amazinglyhealthylife.com. So welcome Shona.

Shona Hagan:


Christie Adams:

Glad to meet you again, properly on screen now. We’ve met online before. We chatted online-

Shona Hagan:

That’s right.

Christie Adams:

But it’s nice to put a face to the name. So we’re going to talk about your work online and your fitness and your health and your lifestyle changes and midlife. So would you like to sort of introduce yourself to the listeners and the viewers on YouTube and tell us all about you?

Shona Hagan:

Sure, sure. Yep. Hi, I’m Shona Hagan and I help midlife women break free from [inaudible 00:00:43] dieting and supercharge their energy through my health optimizing program. I’m 54 years young. I’m a mom. I’m a mom, I’m a certified health and wellness coach. I’m an international award-winning belly dancer, believe it or not. And national award-winning teacher and choreographer, and I’m currently a yoga teacher in training.

Christie Adams:

Excellent. That’s brilliant. And for those who aren’t aware of the accent, where is your accent from?

Shona Hagan:

Well, I’m from Scotland. I’m from Scotland, but West-coast so Glasgow end but actually live in Dorset, UK. So this accent is well smoothed out, actually.

Christie Adams:

Mixed in with a bit of Dorset.

Shona Hagan:

[crosstalk 00:01:32]. Yeah, mixed in with… I definitely have a bit of a Dorset in there.

Christie Adams:

It’s just for those American listeners and things. They’ll be like, “Oh, what’s the accent?”

Shona Hagan:

Yeah. Scottish.

Christie Adams:

And what is it that you do now? Obviously you’ve touched on it in your introduction about helping midlife women, but why did you come to this sort of job and what led you to pursue your passion and help midlifers?

Shona Hagan:

Right. So it really started with me to be honest, about eight or nine years ago. So I was a full on professional dancer teacher. Yeah. So I was running classes every single night. I was often teaching workshops on the weekend, performing on the weekend. Yeah. But it’s been eight or nine years ago. But I began to become aware, I didn’t feel quite right. So you can imagine I was very fit, very fit. I mean, I was never not at the dance studio. If I wasn’t choreographing for my classes, I was choreographing from my own solos. And then I was teaching just about every night. So I was very fit person. But I started not to feel so great. And what it was is I had acid reflux. Maybe they acid reflux was behind everything else. I’m not sure. I had this acid reflux and also I was getting a little bit down, and I’m a very upbeat, happy person.

Shona Hagan:

So that really didn’t sit well with me. And I was living my life. I was doing my job was my passion. I loved it. So I had nothing to be depressed about. And my tummy was getting a little bit bloaty which isn’t great in a belly dance costume. So I was in no way overweight, it was just some bloating. So obviously I was having some digestive problems and a lot agitation. But now a days, we would probably link them together actually. Now that we know more about the gut and stuff like that, that’s probably the reason. And so I thought I had quite a healthy diet, but I started looking into it, and I tried a few things. And then I came to this way of eating really simple, really healthy, like mega healthy. And it was almost like overnight, overnight it took away my acid reflux.

Shona Hagan:

I was taking these tablets, PPIs they’re called. I don’t think they’re very good for you. I don’t think they’ve been around a lot to have evidence, but from what I’ve heard, they’re not very good. I just stopped taking them immediately, and the symptoms just never came back. As long as I eat according to this really healthy diet, which is basically a lot of… It’s just all whole foods, basically. I’m not a vegan, but I do eat a high, raw vegan diet, but I still eat meat and fish. So if I was to describe it in a sentence, almost a raw vegan, I do eat meat. Sometimes I cook my vegetables as well, but I do eat high raw diet.

Christie Adams:

It’s good though, that you recognize that even though on paper, people would have been, “Oh wow, this woman’s really fit and healthy because she’s doing dance and she’s doing all this physical exercise,” you knew your body itself and tuned in enough to know that actually even my mental health is affected by your physical health. Which I think in midlife that happens a lot where people start getting a little more in tune with what your body’s telling them, rather than sort of the younger ones who are running on alcohol and stress and all the rest of it. I think you start to listen to your body a little bit more don’t you, I think in midlife.

Shona Hagan:

Definitely. So I would have been about 45 at that time. Yeah. Almost like, I mean, I’m well known for late being a very, my style is very energetic or fiery, I think people would say. Since I’ve started doing this change, I have even more energy, if that’s at all possible.

Christie Adams:

Yeah. That’s brilliant.

Shona Hagan:

So yeah, overnight. It was overnight. But that’s what it fixed that I needed to fix. But then the benefits I was getting from it were, I mean, I get really excited about it because they were amazing. That’s where it came from, the amazingly healthy life. Because they’re amazing. People kept saying, “Shona, you look amazing. What are you doing?” Because it actually makes your skin glow and your eyes white and sparkly and that fairy sort of youth giving. So you obviously, you get your youth back. I sometimes say I look better now than when I was in my thirties.

Shona Hagan:

Well of course I look 20 years older, but I did not have the glowing skin, and trust me, I did not have the glowing skin and the sparkly eyes. And it was funny because at that age I did keep drinking alcohol. I was quite a big wine drinker actually. Only gave that up two and a half years ago. That was the last thing to go. The wine, the alcohol was going down and down and down, because obviously you feel good. You ate all this amazing stuff all day, this really healthy diet. And then you pour poison down a your throat at night.

Christie Adams:

I think that’s it. I mean, I stopped-

Shona Hagan:

[crosstalk 00:06:57].

Christie Adams:

Yeah. I stopped drinking a couple of years ago. When you say you stopped drinking, people assume you have a drinking problem. And it wasn’t. It was just, I just on a weekend, for example, if you drank on a Friday and I wasn’t a big drinker anyway, I was in my youth, but not when I gave up. And it was because teenagers drink, don’t we in your twenties.

Shona Hagan:

Of course, yeah.

Christie Adams:

You’re out partying and all the rest of it. But I found that it wasn’t as much the drink as my skin and my hair and everything. It wasn’t the hangover or anything like that. I just felt my whole weekend, which I was working really hard all week, and then I would have the weekend. And my weekend, I just felt rough, my skin felt horrible, and my hair felt wrong. And it was that the health sort of impacts of the drink more than anything. And I just thought I don’t miss it. I’ve stopped. So I think, again, I think that’s something that it’s almost a hidden epidemic sometimes, the wine drinking, especially because I think people, especially if they’re in a stress job, they go home and have their drink of wine and they don’t think of themselves as relying on alcohol, but they are using it to wind down. And it is, I mean, you do look amazing. And I can understand, obviously your brand is that because it obviously suits you and it really works well.

Shona Hagan:

And so, yeah, that’s true. I mean, I could go [inaudible 00:08:18]. I just want to say that my group, health optimization with the group coaching program, you do not have to give up alcohol. Ask for a reduction in habits, but a few of my students actually did decide to use the six weeks on the program to give up alcohol. And of course, because I’ve done it, I can support them in that. And that was one of the most amazing things. But I’d just like to stress, you don’t have to give up your wine.

Christie Adams:

You can still have a [inaudible 00:08:48].

Shona Hagan:

The whole give up alcohol thing, you can do that but it’s not part of the program. I would just say like give up, like slow it down a bit. That’s all. If you’re on my program.

Christie Adams:

Alteration, isn’t it?

Shona Hagan:


Christie Adams:

And mentioning your program, what is it that you do when you program and how can people join in with that?

Shona Hagan:

Okay. I do two programs. One is group coaching and the other one is one-to-one. That’s what I’m offering at the moment. I’m kind of looking for something in between those two, but at the moment, that’s what I’ve got. The group coaching, basically, I have already done this so this doesn’t just work for me. I have to tell you, I am super thrilled by the results I’ve had from it. Because when you do something your self, you think, well that worked for me, does it work for somebody else? And in a way it’s even silly to think that because of course, if you eat super healthy, you’re going to look and feel better. It’s actually not rocket science. The ladies on the course, they actually love it. So they love actually doing the course because it’s fun, and they’ve been loving how it ends up making them feel.

Shona Hagan:

You can see the reviews on my website. You’ll see that they’re really surprised. They didn’t expect to feel this well. They expect to lose a bit of weight. They expect maybe to reduce their bad habits, but they didn’t expect how well they would feel. Because quite honestly, I think we forget how well we can feel. It’s almost like pushing the clock back and feeling like you’re not a child, but yeah like you’re a child again. Like honestly quite annoying myself sometimes because I feel so super charged. Like I can wake up in the morning and be like, woo, like jumping out of bed. And that’s kind of normal. I know with a lot of people it’s not normal anymore because you kind of get sludged down underneath all the poison. And even the food you eat, if it’s the processed foods is still a poison. It’s like-

Christie Adams:

I think that was the thing with lock down as well. A lot of people at the moment sort of need a bit of a reboot don’t they, because the feeling a bit, not necessarily overweight, but just a bit pudgy and a bit stuck in the house and sort of settled into routines that they’re probably not getting as much exercise. Some have obviously gone crazy on the gym stuff at home, but a lot have not. They’ve sat and binge watched TV and things like that. So I think it’s the ideal opportunity now as well, isn’t it, to do just like a sort of reboot and really look at what you’re eating and what you’re putting into your body.

Shona Hagan:

Yeah, yeah, no, you’re right. You’re right, Christie. And the thing is, what you said about not necessarily needing to lose weight because really, I sort of aim my marketing at people who need to lose weight because even you don’t need to lose weight, they want to lose weight. It’s a women thing. I don’t particularly… But when I say lose weight, I don’t mean get super skinny and get a six pack. If that’s what you want to do, you would have to go to the gym and work towards that. And you would have to like lose a lot of fat. To get that kind of look, you’re looking at losing a lot of fat. So I’m always just for the health aspect of it. So you want to be as, obviously, aim for healthy, not skinny. Yeah?

Christie Adams:

Definitely. Yeah.

Shona Hagan:

But the point of the program is as well, even if you don’t have weight to lose, it’s still really wise to aim for healthy. So…

Christie Adams:

[crosstalk 00:12:34]. Go on. Sorry.

Shona Hagan:

Yeah, no, no. You carry on.

Christie Adams:

Now I’ve noticed on your website as well, that you do a lot of homegrown vegetables and things. Is that something you’ve always done or is that something that you’ve come to because of your healthy eating?

Shona Hagan:

Yeah, I haven’t always done it. I was doing it from about when I started the healthy eating about eight or nine years ago, but then I’ve been world traveling only just back in the area. So I live in Dorset in the UK now. I don’t live in Scotland anymore, but I was traveling around the world with my husband on a cruise ship, and I still managed to eat healthy. It can be though. The first trip I went on, no, not so good. But then every other time pretty good.

Christie Adams:

No excuses.

Shona Hagan:

No excuses. Yeah. So I’m back at it again this year, but yeah, I’ve been doing it every year. I love that. And it’s as healthy as you can possibly get because the food is alive. The more alive your food is, the more of the nutrition you get from it. So it’s a really good idea. And also a lot of people say, I like people to buy organic if they can because obviously just because there’s no poison on it. There’s no chemicals on it. So if you grow… It’s a bit more expensive. So people say, “Well, it’s too expensive.” So if you’ve got a bit of garden, you can grow stuff that’s really cheap and it’s organic and it’s straight from the ground and does not get any better than that.

Christie Adams:

Well, you know what you put into it or on it, don’t you as well so?

Shona Hagan:

Exactly, exactly.

Christie Adams:

That’s fantastic. What advice would you give to people who want, apart from obviously your program, and I will put details of your program in the show notes for everybody, and we’ll at the end, we’ll explain how they can get in touch with you about going on your next program. But have you any sort of little tips as to obviously the organic food, but about sort of the mental side of it, about feeling better and giving themselves a bit of a boost, have you any little tips you can share?

Shona Hagan:

Yeah. Definitely. So my program is very strongly on food but it’s holistic. So there’s eight commitments that you deal with. But let me just tell you, if you get your food sorted out first, then everything else sort of falls into place. So my tips on food eat more, eat more raw food, eat more of your vegetables raw and it doesn’t need to be boring lettuce, tomato, and cucumber. So going back to the mental aspect that you would ask me about. So because if you eat better, you do actually feel better. Like it’s amazing. It’s as amazing, but it’s not amazing because of course you feel better. Do you see what I’m saying?

Christie Adams:


Shona Hagan:

And get rid of as much processed food as you can out your life. As much as you can and then go for persistence, not perfection. So that’ll help you stay the course. So you might be like this, and then you might still be off and then you might… You know like-

Christie Adams:


Shona Hagan:

Plateau. So you don’t need to be perfect. And what I do advise my ladies is 85% of the time, that’s enough to get yourself in a super-healthy place.

Christie Adams:

So you don’t have to be obsessive with it and sort of change your whole life. It will be life changing, but you don’t have to sort of go overboard with massive, like you say, three hours in the gym or anything silly like that. It can be done-

Shona Hagan:

No. Do you know what? People do too much. I used to do too much as a dance teacher. You just [inaudible 00:16:22]. It’s almost like, I don’t know if you’ve noticed sometimes with gym teachers and they look very tired. It seems to age them. That’s not really what you want and I think it’s just because they’re-

Christie Adams:

Just like you say, you want to be healthy.

Shona Hagan:

Really tired. Yeah. So, yeah. And also take seriously your sleep for your physical and mental health, because we all know how bad you feel after one bad night sleep. So if you’re not-

Christie Adams:

I think sleep is very underrated, isn’t it, as a fitness tool if you like.

Shona Hagan:

Yeah, totally. I mean, it’s the most underrated thing. Lack of sleep makes you put weight on for numerous reasons and stress as well. So this is one of the hardest things in the course. It’s not to get them to quit processed protested or eat more raw, which I thought it would be, but they actually love it. They absolutely love it. And to stick at something, you’ve got to actually love it. But the hardest thing I’m finding is to get them to meditate. Just 10 minutes, just take 10 minutes of your day to do a meditation that makes all the difference. Just taking 10 minutes for yourself.

Christie Adams:

Do you do your meditation in the morning or in evening?

Shona Hagan:

I always do meditation first thing in the morning, and then I might do another one after my yoga practice.

Christie Adams:

Yeah. I think meditation is something-

Shona Hagan:

No matter what happens.

Christie Adams:

Yeah. I think it’s something that you’ve got to get in the mindset for and take a shift. And I think a lot of people, I’m not brilliant at it myself, but I’m getting better because I’ve put my mind to doing it. But I think a lot of people are not very happy in their own head. They’re a bit scared of what will come into my head when I’m meditating what will be there. So I think it is something that you need to learn how to do. I don’t think you can just say right from tomorrow, I meditate every day. I think you’ve got to get into that as a routine and build it up. But I do think it’s very, very valuable to spend just… I sometimes call it like just take a breath. Just sit down. Even if it’s just sat in a corner with a cup of tea and not doing anything, put your phone away. You might not call it meditation because I think the word sometimes frightens people, doesn’t it, because-

Shona Hagan:

It does.

Christie Adams:

They imagine sort of a Buddha sat in the corner and all the rest with om and you can do it that way, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It can be a lot less intimidating for a beginner anyway.

Shona Hagan:

Well you’re right. You’re right. So I’ll do the om after yoga and I kind of enjoy that. It makes me smile. I don’t know. I never thought I was a very om type of person but I guess I am really.

Christie Adams:

I want one of those [inaudible 00:19:13] that you do the meditation. I would love one of those.

Shona Hagan:

My husband got me one of them. My husband got me one.

Christie Adams:

That’d be brilliant.

Shona Hagan:

I never use that. But once I become a trained, a qualified yoga teacher, I might well use that, but at the moment… You can’t use it while you’re meditating for yourself.

Christie Adams:

No, I was thinking, how do you do it when you’re doing it yourself? You can’t, can you?

Shona Hagan:

You can’t, can you? But I’ll tell you what I do every morning is I don’t sit up or do any of the things you’re supposed to do. I basically, wake up, turn over. I put on my daily Calm, and I do that 10 minutes. It’s a different one every day. You don’t think about it. You just press play. I lay in my bed instead of snoozing or turning over, I just lay and listen to that. And that’s how I do it. First thing as soon as I get up.

Christie Adams:

So is that something you include in your program?

Shona Hagan:

[crosstalk 00:20:05]. Something I ask them to do in my program. I also include, I have got my… They might not have a calm app or whatever. So I have actually got a meditation, a 10-minute meditation practice in there, the app in there for them to go.

Christie Adams:

Yeah, that’d be really useful for them. That’d be really good value for- [crosstalk 00:20:23].

Shona Hagan:

It’s probably the most resistance. That’s where I get the most resistance. It’s funny because the more you need it, the meditation, the more you resist it.

Christie Adams:

Yeah. It’s funny how people are so resistant to it.

Shona Hagan:

Yeah. I’ve noticed that myself. I’ve noticed at times if I’m getting anxiety, that’s the time that I don’t want to do it.

Christie Adams:

Odd, isn’t it? So, and tell me about the belly dancing. I want to hear about the belly dancing as well.

Shona Hagan:

The belly dancing is an old… It’s what I used to do before I went traveling. So yeah, I was a very busy girl there. It’s a feel type thing. So I taught weekly classes four nights a week, then weekend workshops, I performed at the weekends. Also I run and still run, a belly dance holiday every year at the weekend. This last year, would have been my 10th year if it hadn’t been canceled due to COVID-19.

Christie Adams:

What got you into that in the first place?

Shona Hagan:

Do you know what? I think it was, I don’t even know how many years it was 25-30 years ago. It was a documentary on the television.

Christie Adams:


Shona Hagan:

And I thought, I’m going to do that. I was very much a very dancy type of person, and I was teaching at a time. I’m also qualified aerobics teacher. I was teaching aerobics but very dancy aerobics. That’s the kind of girl I am. So I gave up my work, and just went to learn belly dance, and I went to study to be a belly dance teacher. And yeah.

Christie Adams:

Are you on Tik Tok? You need to get on Tik TOK.

Shona Hagan:

I don’t. No, I don’t want to go on Tik Tok.

Christie Adams:

It’d be great. There’s a lot of businesses on Tik TOK now. It’s very big business.

Shona Hagan:

I know. It’s just another thing that you’ve got to do. I will probably eventually do it, but if I did full time dance and full time health coaching and yoga, that would be too much.

Christie Adams:

No. Well, the whole point is you don’t want to burn out, do you?

Shona Hagan:

No. I mean, people say you just turn up and teach a class, but you have to actually plan it and you have to choreograph. And if you’re going to be out there, you have to be fit enough to do your solos. It’s a whole thing. It’s a whole thing.

Christie Adams:

Yeah, lifestyle.

Shona Hagan:

Yeah. I’m going back to one, I might start teaching dance on Zoom at the moment. And I’m going to go back and teach one class a week for my local girls and also running my holiday. But that’s all I’m doing. And that’s my lane on that at the moment.

Christie Adams:

That’s good that you’re living your life as you choose to, doing what you love to do and helping other people do it as well.

Shona Hagan:

Yeah. I do love it. I do love it. And the thing is because it enhanced my life so much, I would say… Maybe it saved my life. I don’t know, but it certainly saved my quality of life. So when that’s happened to you, it’s almost like you’re an obligation to share with other people.

Christie Adams:

I think it’s what lights you up and it’s obvious. I mean, obviously some people might listening to this and not watching you, but it’s obvious that you’re really passionate about it. And you are your brand, you are healthy. You obviously really enjoy what you do. And I think that’s so important for people to see that yeah, you were in a situation that you weren’t feeling 100%, but you could have quite easily stuck with that lifestyle and just thought, oh, it’s just me getting…

Shona Hagan:

Most people do.

Christie Adams:

I hear a lot of people, “Well, what do I expect at my age?”

Shona Hagan:

That’s not right.

Christie Adams:

I always remember. I know, well I was 30, when I first remember the doctor saying to me, what do you expect at your age? And I was horrified because I was 30.

Shona Hagan:

[crosstalk 00:24:00]. At 30 years old.

Christie Adams:

Yes. And he said, “What do you expect at your age?” And I’ve never forgotten that because I thought what?

Shona Hagan:

That’s ridiculous.

Christie Adams:

Exactly and my whole brand is built on mid-life isn’t a crisis. We’re not past it. We’re still capable of starting new things, going in a new direction. And if you know that something’s not quite right, which you did, you recognized there was something not quite right. Instead of just sitting back and think oh well, it’s me age, I’ll grope with it. There’s not a lot I can do. You went out researched opportunities and different things and found what suited you. And that’s, to me, that’s the whole philosophy of what I’m all about as well, that it’s never too late. And if you feel that something’s not quite right, do something, go out and research and find what you need to light you up.

Shona Hagan:

Yeah, Definitely. Quite honestly-

Christie Adams:

Where that be [crosstalk 00:25:03] or a new business or belly dancing or whatever it is, go out and find it and eat well, eat healthy.

Shona Hagan:

Well, I mean, if you’ve got a solid base, you’ve got this solid body and mind, there’s nothing stopping you from doing anything at all, nothing stopping you whatsoever. Really. The thing is as well because I would say I am a health and wellness coach. It’s not what I do. It’s what I am because actually I only recently did the certification to teach me coaching methods. All the stuff, all the content, all the health, that came from my life. What I did. I didn’t learn that on the health coach. What I learned is how to coach people. So you don’t just preach it to people.

Christie Adams:

Yeah. If you’re authentic and you’ve been through something and you know it works, you are sort of an evangelist for it almost, aren’t you, that you really want to go out and help other people and tell other people how good it is?

Shona Hagan:

I know it’s very difficult with your friends because you’re like…

Christie Adams:

You have to bite your lip.

Shona Hagan:

Come in here. I can help you, you know?

Christie Adams:

That’s great.

Shona Hagan:

People need to want to do it. That’s the thing.

Christie Adams:

Exactly. So that’s been a brilliant conversation. I’ve got some quick fire questions for you. If you’re ready,

Shona Hagan:

Yeah, I’m ready.

Christie Adams:

Right. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Shona Hagan:

Early bird.

Christie Adams:

Is that because you’ve always got up early or are you energetic at night? Because obviously you went on the boat and traveled and things. Are you a natural early bird or is that just a routine?

Shona Hagan:

I’m a natural early bird. And I encourage that in myself. So I’ll go to bed at 10. I get up at six like clockwork. I don’t wake up in the night. I sleep all night. It’s brilliant. I love it. And so when it comes to night time, I go out of my way. I’ll make a sleep routine or an evening routine to make myself more and more tired as that night goes on.

Christie Adams:

I think that’s a really good thing to do.

Shona Hagan:

I have to be really careful not to work too late and stuff like that.

Christie Adams:

Favorite app?

Shona Hagan:

Yeah. Favorite app is the Calm app.

Christie Adams:

We’ll put a link to this, you’ll have to give me the link, and I’ll put a link in the notes. Favorite book?

Shona Hagan:

Okay. My favorite book is Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett. I never stopped laughing at it. It’s brilliant.

Christie Adams:

Witches Abroad.

Shona Hagan:

Witches Abroad. It’s so funny.

Christie Adams:

One of your ambitions that you might not have achieved yet big or small, what have you got on your list of ambitions?

Shona Hagan:

Oh yeah. What I really want to do now is just a thriving health coaching business that I can help as many people. I want to stick to this. I don’t want a big, enormous business. Like I want me to be in control of it so that I’m always the coach. That’s what I’m after. So very personal coach business.

Christie Adams:

What would you say to someone who uses their age as an excuse not to do something?

Shona Hagan:

So I actually wrote a blog about this a year ago or something. And what I said was, whatever it is you are now. So if you’re 50 just now, right, you think, “Oh my God, I’m too old.” Imagine when you’re 70 and you look back at your 50 year old self. You’re going to go, “I was so young and beautiful. What was I thinking?” Right?

Christie Adams:

So good. Yeah. That’s brilliant.

Shona Hagan:

Because I’ll tell you something. I used to think I was too old at 22. I remember thinking I’m old at 22. It’s ridiculous. So now I just say ridiculous. And also age is just-

Christie Adams:

There was somebody on Twitter who was saying is it too late? Blah, blah, blah, I’m 24. So I put him right. So it was fine. You’ll have to let me have the link to the blog and I’ll put the blog post link as well for people so they can go and check that out. That’d be great. And then-

Shona Hagan:

Can I just get much more thing in?

Christie Adams:


Shona Hagan:

Can I get one more thing, Christie?

Christie Adams:

Of course you can.

Shona Hagan:

I wanted to say in my group coaching program, it’s not just a course. It’s like a coaching program. So we meet every single night on Zoom. So every night you get coaching from me.

Christie Adams:


Shona Hagan:

It really is quite special, and it’s not too expensive. So it brings the health coaching to people where otherwise probably, maybe couldn’t afford it

Christie Adams:

Fantastic. And we’ll put all the links, I’ll put everything in the show notes for everybody. So they’ll all be able to find you. Your website is amazinglyhealthylife.com.

Shona Hagan:


Christie Adams:

Where else can people find you online?

Shona Hagan:

Well, at the moment, I’m on Facebook at Amazingly Healthy Life. And also as my name is Shona Hagan. So my past ones about dance and they amazingly have [inaudible 00:30:19] about the health coaching. And I’m also on Instagram at AmazinglyHealthyLife.

Christie Adams:

And if anybody’s interested in your coaching either one-to-one or your program, they can get in touch through your website, through Instagram or Facebook. Are you happy with that? Or can they send you a DM or do you prefer them to go through the website?

Shona Hagan:

The DM is fine. Or you can send me an email, Shona@amazinglyhealthylife.com.

Christie Adams:


Shona Hagan:

DM me. Anything.

Christie Adams:

And I would recommend your program because you’re obviously blooming on it. You look amazing. So thank you so much for joining me. That’s been a really good conversation. Thank you.

Shona Hagan:

You’re welcome. Thank you.

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