Episode #046 I’m a Coach – What Does That Mean?

Social Media Podcast Episode 46

Why I do what I do. I’m The Midlife Motivator.

  • Who I help
  • Get a mentor
  • Journal / write 
  • Get a plan

Links mentioned in the show

Book a Call

Book Recommendation

The 5 Second Rule, Mel Robbins

For Those Who Prefer To Read Content

To enable me to focus on my writing, I haven’t edited this AI generated transcription. It’s not perfect but how cool is it that this is AI listening to me.

This is transcribed by Otter.ai software. You can use this Google Owned Artificial Intelligence yourself HERE

Morning, Christie here. On Wednesday, the 30th of June, ready for podcast episode number 46 And I’ve called this episode, I’m a coach. What does that mean, because I think there’s some confusion around exactly what

a coach is so I’m going to clarify what I do and how my interpretation of coach comes into my work. So my quick intro, first of all, and lovely weather here in the UK this week it’s been a bit bit rainy but obviously the trees and the plants need that. And I know that round the globe, we’ve got some really odd weather going on in.

Hi, Kristina on Wednesday 30th of June podcast episode 46. I’m a coach, what does that mean some mystery isn’t around different coaches and a lot of sort of vague promises made on the internet so I’m going to go into what I consider coaching. And what I do, just so that you got some clarity around it. Quickly intro and. Hi, Christie here. On Wednesday, the 13th of June episode 46 of the podcast. I’m a coach, what does that mean, that’s a question I get asked so I thought I’d clarify it in this podcast. First of all my quick intro as usual. I’ve been prepping all July’s programmes, and I’ve got a vacancy in there so if you want to jump in. After this episode, then drop me a DM or get in touch whatever way you choose. And let’s get some work together some collaboration going. This week I’ve got two influencer deals which is fantastic. And one of them came through my website and have updated my website quite a bit lately, and I just wanted to remind you that you never know who’s out there who were watching, not in a scary way but in a good way, that whatever you put out loud, especially if it’s evergreen content on social media or on your website, and I recommend you get a website if you can, because it’s evergreen content it’s there forever really. And you never know who’s looking, and who is sort of watching your business, and considering collaborating with you. And whilst you obviously have to reach out to get some deals, some will fall in your lap, if they look at your work and decide that they like what you’re doing, and they like your message and that’s exactly what’s happened to me. So make sure that you drop it in your schedule, maybe end the week or end of the month or end of the quarter to review all your profiles and your website and all your online presence and make sure that it’s still on brand, and that is accurate and reflects what you’re doing. When Shoba to your personality because that’s who people deal with the world is so small now with business that people deal with people. They want to know who you are, even the size of Amazon, you know, people look at what Jay Jeff Bezos does, you know, as a person as well. So, no matter how big or small your businesses, let your personality shine through because that is what people are attracted to you. And I’ve also taken Facebook off my phone this week, I’m thinking like a boss I’ve got a wallpaper on my phone actually that says, Think like a boss. But I’ve decided that it’s just not worth it for my mental health, to have that there, I’d already moved it off my home screen. And now I’ve removed it all together so I’m going to binge on Facebook once or twice a day to catch up on all my work opportunities, and just catch up with you know what’s going on in the world, but I want you to know that there’s no shame in stepping away and putting some distance between you and whatever you need to put distance between for your own mental health and mental well being, because that’s vital if you’re unhealthy or unwell or not 100% Then you’re no good to other people either you know it’s, you’re going to really struggle to share your value. If you’re struggling to look after yourself. So prioritise you look at yourself care, and do what you need to do. And back to the topic on the couch. What does that mean, I was made redundant. I’ve talked about this many times before, and I was made redundant numerous times. And the one person who helped me was someone who didn’t give me sympathy or pity or, you know, sort of, say, what’s the problem. They just very calmly, brought the chair sat next to me and said, right. What do we need to do. I’ve got this massive overwhelming panic that I wouldn’t be able to pay my mortgage, I’d got a child to keep the roof over their head, what was I gonna do I was a single parent, I didn’t have anybody to fall back on. It was terrifying to think that I wouldn’t have any money going into my bank, and instead of sort of going Oh, bless and sympathising and tapping me on the shoulder and patting me on the head and doing all the sort of pity parties.

She just

sat down and helped me come up with a plan. And that’s the model that I based my coaching on that. I’m from Yorkshire Well, we’ve got a reputation for straight talking, but I asked the awkward questions that you know you should ask yourself, but sometimes you sort of cower away from it, that’s wrong terminology I guess but I asked the questions that you know you need to answer. I don’t tell you what to do. I suggest ways that you might move forward. I’ll give you tips and tricks and tools to help you. But I help you create a plan to move forward, just like that woman did when I was being made redundant. By the end of the discussions, I’ve got a plan written down. We broke it down into bite sized portions. So we looked at the long term plan. And this is all exactly what I do in my coaching. I look at where you want to be in one year, five year 10 year we discussed that we break it down, work out what your dreams and aspirations are, what your skills are importantly what your skill gaps are, what you’re going to need to invest in. Is it going to be people is it going to be things, is it just going to be a time investment, maybe a qualification. How you can prioritise because sometimes, especially when you’re getting overwhelmed. It’s difficult to see the wood for the trees and work out what’s important and what’s not. So help me take a little step back and decide on the newest crocodile to the boat. Basically, what do you need to prioritise right now. And then behind that we’re create a longer term plan. It might be that you’ve just got one goal, that you really want to achieve, writing that first book, or applying for a specific job, or just something really specific a one goal that you really want to achieve, Get all your social media related it can be something like that. I can help you with that over a month, and what we do is we work together every day, you’ll get reminders from me, you’ve got an accountability partner there, that’s me. And each week we’ll have a zoom call or whatever call suits you for an hour. And we sit and go through what you’ve done in the past week and what you’ll do in the next week. And all of this is towards your goals, which we’ll have identified, and which we’ll work towards, so that at the end of that first month, You’ve achieved something. I’ve got three different programmes, a month, eight weeks, two months, and 12 weeks, three months, and each one is geared at meeting what identifying first your goals and your plans, putting together a plan of action, and taking those actions and having somebody accountable. All my prices are on my website, I’m really passionate about it because this is my way of paying forward on what my colleague did for me when I needed the help. So I really feel passionate about this. I’m a devil’s advocate, I will ask the questions that you may be a bit scared to ask yourself, and challenger, but in a positive way, not bully and it’s horrendous to be bullied, I’ve been there before, but know that I’ve got you back. And that if I don’t know the answer, I’ll go and find it for you, or at least try to. So have a look on my website all my prices are there and if you’ve got something that you’ve been putting off. You’ve been procrastinating and you really know that you’ve got to do this thing you’ve just finally you’re gonna do it, you really want to, it might like I say it might be writing a book. It might be that you’ve got life goals that you know that in a couple of years time, you wouldn’t you need to be somewhere different physically and spiritually and emotionally. And how are you going to go about doing that. So have a look, my prices are all there I’m transparent with it. The reason I’ve done that is because I’ve had so many calls myself with coaches and I’ve used coaches or paid them. I’ve walked away from others. And the thing I don’t like is when you’re on a sales call. It’s an awful terminology for coaching, where the pressure is almost around how much you’re willing to invest, I’ve even had nightmare scenario was where you sort of bullied into being told and blackmailed that if you don’t invest in yourself, then you’re not committed. And if you don’t borrow the money to pay for these coaching fees, then it shows that you’ve got no commitment there and I think that’s wrong. I don’t like that tactic. So I’ve been totally transparent all my prices are on my website you choose. And there’s payment plan for the three months especially.

So don’t be worried about that. And it basically means that all our calls are prioritised around you, and what you need, rather than the webinars which I’m sure you’ve been on before where it’s an hour’s webinar, and some of them have fantastic value, don’t get me wrong, I’ve sat through many of them and learn loads of stuff for free, but you do have the 15 minute introduction, the 30 minutes of value, and then 15 minutes of the heavy sell. And it puts pressure on. And I don’t think putting pressure on people is the way to get a result, I think it’s walking alongside somebody, and help, you know, giving them a helping hand rather than, you know, dragging them upwards, and forcing them into a situation where they feel indebted. So that’s what I do, basically I help people achieve their goals by challenging them a little bit and asking them the most questions and hopefully at the end of the sort of programme. They’ll have moved forward, got past their overwhelm and the doubt have results in the bag but also have a plan for moving forward and a mindset shift into a can do attitude which is an awful corporate term but it applies in this case. So, what about if you can’t afford a coach at the moment, there’s a few things that you can do. Get online buddies and online mentors I’ve learned so much from really high profile coaches where you can go and watch the TED talks, you can go on YouTube I’ve often got a YouTube channel. Gary Vee gives a massive amount of value on his channel. He’s a brilliant mentor, I don’t know him, I may never meet him, but he’s one of my mentors, have a look at your long term plan. If you’re not sure obviously get in touch but have a look where you want to be, I did a degree, it took me six years, and I worked part time on that because I was in a full time job at the time. So that was part of my long term plan to get degree. The short term plan, you can just use your journals a diary, I recommend writing something down every day. And I’ve talked about this before about create nourish share, and doing three things every day and writing them down at the beginning of the day, and identifying at the end of the day what you’ve achieved, and that’s a really positive motivator that you feel everyday you’ve done something. So think about that, think about how you’re going to tackle the future. Where are you going to be in three months, six months a year, and hopefully that’s just giving you a little bit of oversight. What I do, and why I do it because I do feel passionately about it. And I know what it’s like to be really stuck, scared, overwhelmed with doubt and fear. It’s a horrendous situation to be in. And whether it’s redundancy retirement relationship shift. Empty Nest, whatever it may be, there’s usually something that you might be a little bit stuck on or really entrenched in, and just can’t see a way out. And you know yourself that sometimes it takes somebody just emotionally separated from you, so usually your mentor or your accountability partner won’t be somebody in your family, because they’re often too close to the situation. So, looking outside the family is usually a better bet recommendation. The five second rule by Mel Robbins, that’s a really good mindset shift to get into so I recommend that one for you this week. And finally my call to action, tag me on social media, put a tweet out to your audience and tag me in it, or put a post out on Instagram or Tik Tok and tag me in it, and I will share, or comment, or follow and support you. So that’s one of my calls to action, and my other one is step up in July. I’d like you to do something way to change something or address something, or start something. In July, hopefully finish something in July. And if you do need to have a coach. I’m here. So get in touch. Have a lovely day. Bye.

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