James Patterson, Michelle Obama and Peppa Pig, just a few of my latest videos

You might have noticed I have a You Tube channel where I share book reviews, writer tips and booky stuff that I think will help you embrace and indulge your love of books and words.

Here’s just a few of my latest posts over there, click on any that grab your attention!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE over on You Tube, it’ll really help them to identify you as a book fan. Also it’ll help me build my presence and visibility, and I’ll send you a virtual hug in thanks!

These next two are aimed at my younger fans, so if you know a younger book fan, why not watch these two short videos together?

I’m passionate about getting EVERYONE to read more, no matter what age! Aren’t you?

I’m adding videos all the time, so don’t forget to click on that little bell, when you subscribe to my channel, so You Tube tells you when my video is posted!

Anything booky that you’d like me to post a video about? Drop me a comment and I’ll see what I can do!

The Independent Freedom Creative

If you want to start FINALLY writing your own book, or just start writing for fun, get in touch!