Reading Books Is Good For You, There’s A Really Simple Way To Up Your Game

Reading Books Is Good For You Blog Post

How to create a reading list, and why it even matters

You know I’m a book lover, I feel passionate about them. I truly believe, I know, reading can boost your mental wellbeing.

I keep hearing all this rubbish about people not reading books anymore, that they’re out of date.

It’s a total myth

Many of the numbers you see quoted for book sales are from the major publishing houses. There are now a massive number of books sold that, for various reasons, are not included in the usual stats.

We have different formats of books now, not just the traditional hardback or paperback, so ignore all the rumours about people not reading books anymore. We’re reading more than ever, we’re just reading in different ways.

Reading is essential for good mental health, especially at the moment, and it doesn’t matter what format it’s in. The escapism, destruction, education and down right fun brought about by books is absolutely key to me staying well and balanced right now.

Reading the right things

There is so much negativity thrown at us within the temptation of doom scrolling that an escape into a book, even if it’s just five or ten minutes a day, can ground you.

It can boost your education, relax you, support meditation, entertain in all sorts of ways. There are various things you can use books for whether it’s escapism into a unicorn packed forest or an outer-space world, a deep dive into a really gory horror book or flying with vampires, you can really escape into whatever your chosen genre is.

Often the darker the fiction, weirdly, the more relaxed it makes you

I think it’s because it totally engrosses you in the story and distracts you from everyday life, which can’t be a bad thing. Sometimes.

Books are thought provoking and fun

They can be educational, not just study books but also the classics can expand your brain. Make you think differently.

You can read a comedy book and just have a laugh.

Escape into a cosy mystery and just enjoy it, catch yourself smiling whilst you’re reading.

Try different genres

If you’ve never read before, or since school, start with reading what you like. Whether that be romance, the unicorns or the horror, whatever, enjoy it, but then try to read something different. 

Try other writers, read non-fiction and fiction, push yourself outside your usual comfort zone.

Audio books are brilliant for accessibility

If you feel overwhelmed by words, put on headphones and immerse yourself. It’s still reading.

If you want to develop in anything, whether it be finding out more about AI (artificial intelligence) or Bitcoin, keep aware of future developments or reading up on history. 

Books are your friend.

Read a wider more diverse range

Support writers from outside your usual sphere of experience.

Pick up a book, support that author and widen your mind a bit and embrace all forms of literature.

I’ve challenged myself this year to read as many of Agatha Christie books as I can. I’ve never read her books, despite watching films and TV versions of her work.

Why not join a book group?

It could be just what you need. If you’re not comfortable sitting on your own again, maybe in lockdown, you have too much solo time. Don’t get intimidated by them. Some can be very pretentious. Just steer away from those if it’s not for you.

Set one up with a couple of friends. It holds you accountable because you have to read a book by the deadline.

Remember that your opinion is always valid

When I was studying literature, it was a bit intimidating. I won’t deny it. I spoke to my lecturer about it, unsure that my opinion would be valid. She reassured me. There are University buildings packed with professors and academics who have different opinions on books. Everybody has an opinion. It’s very personal, it’s yours and you’re entitled to that opinion.

Don’t let anybody bulldoze that out of you, accept that there is certain learning about the ‘canon’, certain things that are accepted, but beyond that, any opinion is valid.

Don’t think your opinion doesn’t count because you’ve not read that many books or a specific type of book before.

Push your boundaries a bit more

I would love you to do a book review. I do them on my YouTube channel, but it doesn’t have to be a YouTube video. 

It can be just one sentence on the website you bought the book from, or social media, wherever. It really helps the author! Don’t forget to be kind and constructive. The author has put the time and effort into writing that book, putting it together. It’s not a simple process. Trust me, I know!

Read as much as you can

Put an entry in your diary / schedule if you’re the type that just won’t make time unless it’s in your diary.

Why not put ten minutes extra on your lunch hour and read?

Go to bed twenty minutes earlier and have that as reading time. Reading just before you go to sleep is one of the best times to get facts embedded in your brain.

It’s good to get away from your screen, whether it is on a device like a Kindle, not the phone app, or a genuine (gorgeous) paper book.

It really can help you wind down into a healthy sleep pattern, which so many people have got problems with at the moment.

Listen to audiobooks while you’re cooking, or out on a walk

Always keep safe. If you’ve got headphones on, make sure you look where you’re going. If you’re out on your own in woods etc maybe don’t put my headphones on in those situations. Stay aware of your surroundings.

Create a reading list

I want you to read lots of books and I want you to hold yourself accountable. Why not take part in the Goodreads reading challenge?

I try for 50 books a year. I don’t always achieve it, but I try. In my defence I read an enormous amount of content that isn’t books! Honest!

It’s not too late to create a reading list for 2021.

You don’t have to create your list right now you can just say I’m gonna commit to 50 books. I have folders on Goodreads, ‘read’ and ‘to be read’ are the standard ones.

I’ve even created called ‘Tsundoku’ list

It’s for books that I’ve bought but haven’t read yet. 

I’m a shocker buying books, it’s guaranteed. I see a book and I can’t always remember if I’ve already bought it. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. Maybe you’re the same?

Create a non-fiction list, have fun, create your own virtual bookshelves.

Find books with a strong sense of place and go on virtual holidays

With us all being stuck in one place right now, travel vicariously through books. Create a diversity list, packed with books in cultures and countries you haven’t experienced.

Share book recommendations

Anything you can do to encourage people to read I’m 100% behind you. 

Take pictures of yourself reading, look on Pinterest or Instagram and get inspired by the beautiful book covers and book lovers reading nooks.

Why not reach out today, if you’ve just finished a book, share it with someone.

Reading is an amazing, amazing privilege, so what’s stopping you? Go on, go grab a mug of tea, snuggle up and turn those pages!

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