Why Creating Art for Art’s Sake Can Improve Your Mindset and Bank Balance

In 2022 I’ve committed to making art every day

I have a monthly theme, with my granddaughter, who is joining me on this artistic adventure. We are committed to being creative, learn about Procreate and just indulge in some art together. 2022 is after all my Year of Creativity and Focus.


Each month, my young collaborator picks a theme. In January it’s ‘people’, in February ‘love’ who knows what the rest of the year will bring. It’s purely for fun, a moment of connection. As a bonus, it’s helping us master the fantastic app, Procreate, with some Canva thrown in.


When I suggested this project to my grand babies, the first thing they asked for ‘why?’ I saw confusion flash across their faces when I said ‘for fun’, but they immediately want to take part. The small things in life don’t have to cost money or make money. The hustle is fantastic. It helps people earn money. But for some, it has fast become the only reason to create. Never lose the will and ability to just create art for art’s sake, and yes that’s a song from the 1970’s, but according to Wikipedia it’s actually an old French saying too. Art needs to serve no purpose. As I ran down the rabbit hole of the web, I discovered this saying is on MGM films, too. Who knew?


I’m posting on social media purely as accountability. I might create a virtual canvas each month. I’ve got a few ideas how to take that forward, but for now it’s purely for fun. Literally art for art’s sake.

The bonus is that whilst drawing I switch off, don’t think about word counts or bank balances. Just ten minutes a day to reboot can turn into half an hour of doodles and escapism. It’s a great stress management tool. If you don’t have a ipad or don’t want to draw online, dig out a notebook and start doodling. Buy a colouring book, a box of crayons, and rediscover your love of staying between the lines. The fashion for colouring may have faded, but it’s still very popular, and for good reason. If you have someone to sit down with and be quiet with, have a chat with, or share ideas with, that’s yet another bonus. If it’s good weather, why not sit on a bench or a blanket and do some doodling in your lunch hour? Allow your brain some downtime. I know you won’t regret it.


After boosting the creativity in my young family, they worked with Angelica Brave on a book we just put out, to encourage other youngsters to get creative. The pride on their faces when they saw it in print for the first time has given us the boost we need to make another…

You can buy our latest children’s book ‘Under The Sea Children’s Activity Book’ and download FREE colouring sheets HERE.


I’ve been inspired by Beeple. He’s the guy who sold his life’s work online for almost $70million! He is skilled, but wasn’t at the start. He openly shared art every day for ten years, wow some commitment. No wonder he’s smiling! I’m not expecting to make billions, but if I can just show young people in my life that commitment to something you enjoy is a ‘thing’ and that you can turn up every day, even without getting paid, that’s got to be a good thing.

What will you create today?

Why not join us? You can tag me with your work and I’ll share on my instagram. It’s purely for fun.

I hope I’ve inspired you.

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